Effects of basic lifestyle habits and attention control on chronic fatigue on children and adolescents. |
Imai, S. |
31st International Congress of Psychology Abstract, Pp.**(**), July 2016, Yokohama, Japan. |
Effects of negative emotion-based motivation on social adjustment. |
Sugiyama, M. and Imai, S. |
31st International Congress of Psychology Abstract, Pp.**(**), July 2016, Yokohama, Japan. |
Relationship between negative emotion-based motivation and negative emotion: Focus on voluntary attention control. |
Sugiyama, M. and Imai, S. |
31st International Congress of Psychology Abstract, Pp.**(**), July 2016, Yokohama, Japan. |
Development of a metacognitive belief of perfectionism scale. |
Iyoda, M., Kojima, Y., Sugiyama, M. and Imai, S. |
31st International Congress of Psychology Abstract, Pp.**(**), July 2016, Yokohama, Japan. |
Development of a trichotillomania scale. |
Goto, M., Sugiyama, M. and Imai, S. |
31st International Congress of Psychology Abstract, Pp.**(**), July 2016, Yokohama, Japan. |
Relationship regarding the gap between self-evaluation and evaluation of others and both delusional ideas and social anxiety. |
Doi, S., Sugiyama, M. and Imai, S. |
31st International Congress of Psychology Abstract, Pp.**(**), July 2016, Yokohama, Japan. |
Development of a sensory integration difficulty questionnaire. |
Kojima, Y., Iyoda, M., Sugiyama, M. and Imai, S. |
31st International Congress of Psychology Abstract, Pp.**(**), July 2016, Yokohama, Japan. |
Effects of basic lifestyle habits on chronic fatigue syndrome : Focus on exercise and sleep. |
Omura, A., Sugiyama, M., and Imai, S. |
31st International Congress of Psychology Abstract, Pp.**(**), July 2016, Yokohama, Japan. |
Attentional control dysfunction in depression. |
Tomita, N., Imai, S., and Kumano, H. |
31st International Congress of Psychology Abstract, Pp.**(**), July 2016, Yokohama, Japan. |
Effects of detached mindfulness training on anger related psychological problems. |
Imai, S. |
6th Asian Congress of Health Psychology Abstract, Pp.**(**), July 2016, Yokohama, Japan. |
Measurement of cognitive attentional syndrome in menstrual symptoms and effects of detached mindfulness based on attentional control function. |
Omura, A., Sugiyama, M.,and Imai, S. |
6th Asian Congress of Health Psychology Abstract, Pp.**(**), July 2016, Yokohama, Japan. |
Effects of negative emotion-based motivation on negative emotion from the viewpoint of metacognitive therapy. |
Sugiyama, M. and Imai, S. |
6th Asian Congress of Health Psychology Abstract, Pp.**(**), July 2016, Yokohama, Japan. |
Effects of perfectionism and detached mindfulness on mental health. |
Iyoda, M., Kojima, Y., Sugiyama, M. and Imai, S. |
6th Asian Congress of Health Psychology Abstract, Pp.**(**), July 2016, Yokohama, Japan. |
Relationship between developmental disorder and sensory integration: Focus on attention control function. |
Kojima, Y., Iyoda, M., Sugiyama, M. and Imai, S. |
6th Asian Congress of Health Psychology Abstract, Pp.**(**), July 2016, Yokohama, Japan. |
Post-event processing and attentional control function in social anxiety. |
Tomita, N., Imai, S. and Kumano, H. |
8th World Congress of behavioral and Cognitive Therapies Abstract, Pp.**(**), June 2016, Melbourne, Australia. |
Effects of attention training on angry students. |
Imai, S. and Imai, C. |
The 4th Asian Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) Conference Program, Pp.49(A-P-099), August 2013, Tokyo, Japan. |
Relationship between cognitive variable such as attention control function and depression in university students according to sexes. |
Nishi, Y., Imai, S., and Kumano, H. |
The 4th Asian Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) Conference Program, Pp.46(A-P-066), August 2013, Tokyo, Japan. |
Development and preliminary validation of Metacognitive Beliefs about Anger Rumination Questionnaire (MBARQ). |
Kim, N., Yamaguchi, M., Imai, S., Kumano, H., and Nomura, S. |
The 4th Asian Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) Conference Program, Pp.57(A-P-172), August 2013, Tokyo, Japan. |
Visual attention among university students demonstrating a tendency toward autistic spectrum disorders. |
Tsuchiya, H., Sato, Y., Imai, S., and Kumano, H. |
The 4th Asian Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) Conference Program, Pp.40(A-P-018), August 2013, Tokyo, Japan. |
Attention control function and interpretation bias in social anxiety. |
Tomita, N., Nishi, Y., Imai, S., and Kumano, H. |
The 4th Asian Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) Conference Program, Pp.55(A-P-146), August 2013, Tokyo, Japan. |
Thought Content of Post-Event Processing in Speech Anxiety. |
Ambo, E., Suga, C., Imai, S., and Nedate, K. |
3rd Asian Cognitive Behavior Therapy Conference (ACBTC) Abstract Book, Pp65 (P001), July 2011, Seoul, Korea. |
Examination of Passive Information processing in anxious individuals using negative stimuli. |
Miyazaki, M., Imai, S. and Nedate, K. |
VI World Congress of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies (WCBCT) Abstract Index, Pp.111 (Poster Session 36) , June 2010, Boston, USA. |
Cognitive coping following anger. |
Hirayama, Y., Imai, S., Abe, H., Komiyama, M., and Nedate, K. |
VI World Congress of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies (WCBCT) Abstract Index, Pp.111 (Poster Session 47) , June 2010, Boston, USA. |
Influence of thought-action fusion on social anxiety.
Abe, H., Imai, S., and Nedate, K. |
VI World Congress of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies(WCBCT)Abstract Index, Pp.82 (Poster Session 51) , June 2010, Boston, USA. |
Influence of the activation of post-event processing on speech anxiety.
Suga, C., Ambo, E., Imai, S., and Nedate, K. |
VI World Congress of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies(WCBCT)Abstract Index, Pp.81 (Poster Session 25), June 2010, Boston, USA. |
Subtypes of perfectionism and its effect on anxiety.
Hirasawa, M., Imai, S., Abe, H., and Nedate, K. |
10th International Congress of Behavioral Medicine (ICBM) Abstract Book, Pp.219 (P-126-F), August, 2008 Tokyo, Japan. |
Quantitative study on common points and differences between client-centered therapy and rational emotive behavior therapy.
Imai, S., Imai, C., and Shimada, H. |
10th International Congress of Behavioral Medicine (ICBM) Abstract Book, Pp.235 (P-177-RF), August 2008, Tokyo, Japan. |
Effect of coping self-statement on pain experience: The role of anxiety sensitivity.
Imai, C., Imai, S., and Shimada, H |
10th International Congress of Behavioral Medicine (ICBM) Abstract Book, Pp.107-108 (P-149-T), August 2008, Tokyo, Japan. |
Constructivism psychotherapy approach to social anxiety: a case report.
Abe, H., Imai, S., and Nedate, K. |
10th International Congress of Behavioral Medicine (ICBM) Abstract Book, Pp.235 (P-176-RF), August 2008, Tokyo, Japan. |
Influence of emotional control and the anticipation of results on aggressive behavior when individuals experience angry
emotions .
Housako, A., Imai, S., Abe, H., and Nedate, K. |
10th International Congress of Behavioral Medicine (ICBM) Abstract Book, Pp.196 (P-053-F), August 2008, Tokyo, Japan. |
Cognitive strategy and clinically relevant thoughts in nonclinical university students.
Imai, S., Imai, C., and Nedate, K. |
The 3rd Asian Congress of Health Psychology Abstract Book, Pp.89 (Pos75), September 2007, Tokyo, Japan. |
Psychological management of menstrual pain with attention training.
Imai, C., Imai, S., and Shimada, H. |
The 3rd Asian Congress of Health Psychology Abstract Book, Pp.23 (Pos-9), September 2007, Tokyo, Japan. |
Characteristic perfectionism and rumination in obsessive-compulsive symptoms.
Abe, H. Imai, S., Fujishima, E., and Nedate, K. |
The 3rd Asian Congress of Health Psychology Abstract Book, Pp.36 (Pos-22), September 2007, Tokyo, Japan. |
The effect of reasoning-based training on obsessive symptoms.
Houda, Y., Imai, S., and Nedate, K. |
The 3rd Asian Congress of Health Psychology Abstract Book, Pp.107 (Pos-93), September 2007, Tokyo, Japan. |
Effect of cognitive strategy structure on obsessive symptoms. |
Imai, S., Kanetsuki, M., Imai, C., and Nedate, K. |
V World Congress of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies(WCBCT)Poster Abstract (Friday), Pp.3-4 (Basic Processes / New Developments in CBT- English Programme 19), July 2007, Barcelona, Spain. |
Application of attention training for menstrual pain.
Imai, C., Imai, C., and Shimada, H. |
V World Congress of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies(WCBCT)Poster Abstract (Thursday), Pp.32 (Behavioral Medicine – English programme 27), July 2007, Barcelona, Spain. |